When you come to university, you’ll experience a lot of different kinds of nights out, and partying becomes a regular occurrence. If there’s one thing students love, it’s a themed party.

Themed parties often take place in student accommodation, but it can also take place in bars and clubs too. There are a lot of different kinds and usually, they’re pretty fun too.

Keep reading to find out what the 5 themed parties you’ll attend at university are.

The Halloween Party

Everyone loved Halloween and without a doubt you’ll end up attending a Halloween party at some point throughout your university experience.

Whether you want to do a funny, glam or scary costume, this is the time of year to dress however you want. It’s a great way to start a conversation and break the ice with new people, and it’s also just a great way to have a laugh with friends!

The 90's Party

The 90s are never truly gone and they make for a very popular party theme with university students. You’ll see people dressed as the Spice Girls, 90s decor, and tunes you’d forgotten all about.

Everyone loves a 90s party and there’s so much variety when it comes to planning a costume, so you get a change to be creative.

The Toga Party

A toga party tends to happen once and never again, and you’ll probably end up seeing a little bit more of people than you perhaps want to. It’s an easy one to prepare for though, all you need is to wrap a bed sheet around you and voila, you’re sorted!

They follow a  Greek/Roman theme and they can be a lot of fun to attend. Prepare to drink from goblets and consume a lot of wine!

The Dress-Up Bar Crawl Party

Outside of student accommodation, a very popular themed party is the dress-up bar crawl. Here, you’ll be hitting up the best bars in town all dressed up in a party theme.

There is so much room for variety with this one and there’s a lot of fun to be had with it. You can create your own rules for each bar based on the costumes, and it’s a surefire way to meet new people at the bar too.

The Christmas Themed Party

Before everyone leaves to go back home for the holidays, there’s a strong chance you’ll end up attending a Christmas themed party. It’s a time to play cheesy Christmas hits, drink mulled wine and eggnog, and dress up in your most tragic Christmas jumper.

People ususally end up getting way too drunk at Christmas parties and there’s always gossip of that unlikely couple that hooked up. But it always tends to be a fun night and it’s a great way to see off your friends before the New Year.

The Foam Party

This one usually happens at a club as part of a Fresher’s Week event and then you never go to another one again. It’s exactly what it sounds like – a club night where the room is full of foam.

It’s fun for around 10 minutes, and then you start slipping everywhere you go and you get sick of having to battle through soap just to stay upright. But it’s still a fun experience that every student has at some point!

These are the 5 Themed Parties You’ll Attend at University

There are many different nights you’ll have during university, and themed parties are a common occurrence. Whether you enjoy them or not, they are sure to happen at least once, so throw yourself into it and let your hair down for some fun!

Looking for some hangover tips to feel better after a big night out? Check out our blog post for more tips and tricks.

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