Student halls and accommodations are available to every student. In your accommodation, there will be a diverse mix of people living alongside you. This includes older, mature students. What if you’re a mature student who is going into living in student halls, what will it be like?

Student accommodation isn’t exclusively for those who are under the age of 21. More and more people are starting university at an older age. The postgraduate population is growing rapidly too. Read on to find out what Life in student halls as a mature student is like.


You may live with other mature students


There are many accommodations that are available exclusively for mature students. This means that more often than not, you’ll be able to share with like-minded students.

There’ll be less risk of living with newly-released into the adult world 18-year-olds, who can’t operate a washing machine, for example. You’ll develop a community with other mature students, who live, work and play together.


Becoming the wisest student in accommodation


If you do find yourself in a flat or on a corridor with younger students, it may not all be bad. You could find yourself as the wise elder of your student accommodation.

Be prepared to help students work their ovens, come to you for advice on anything (we mean ANYTHING) and keep the peace. It might seem a bit annoying, but if you set rules and boundaries, you shouldn’t have people looking to you for advice at all hours.


Expanding your horizons


If you do find yourself in a flat or on a corridor with younger students, it may not all be bad. You could find yourself as the wise elder of your student accommodation.

Be prepared to help students work their ovens, come to you for advice on anything (we mean ANYTHING) and keep the peace. It might seem a bit annoying, but if you set rules and boundaries, you shouldn’t have people looking to you for advice at all hours.


Are you looking for student halls? Check out the accommodation we have to offer near your University.

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