Moving into student accommodation is an exciting time. It could be the first time you ever live away from your parents, the first time you have a place of your own, or ever live with flatmates.

But we’ve all heard the horror stories about student accommodation issues and it’s time to talk about them. No place is perfect and at some point or another, an issue will arise. Whether you choose to live in a shared flat, house or studio apartment, there are always issues that can happen.

Read on to learn all about common issues with student accommodation and how to solve them.

Noisy Neighbours

Whether you live in a shared house, studio flat or shared halls, noisy neighbours can happen to anyone. There are a lot of noise issues that can arise: loud music, endless partying, people chatting too loudly.

They may not even know that they’re making the noise, but it can become very disruptive fast. It’s important to be aware of the noise you’re making and if you’re having a party, make sure to let your neighbors know to prevent being the bad noisy neighbour yourself.

If you do end up with noisy neighbours, it’s important to resolve it in the right way. Don’t get mad or accuse them, have a polite discussion when you next see them around. This makes them aware of the noise they’re making and they should make an effort to keep it down.


When you live in student housing, there’s a chance the place might need repairs done at some point. If you live with flatmates, one of you may accidentally break something or something will stop working.

When this does happen, you need to let your landlord or building manager know about it as soon as possible. Call them up and tell them about the problem, and also send an email about it too.

It is your landlord’s responsibility to ensure you have a safe, warm place to live, so they need to ensure these repairs are done fast. They need to give you 24 hours notice before they or a repair person comes around, but if you need them to come around sooner they can.


Whether it’s a new build or an old student house, pests can affect any kind of household. These unwanted visitors can wreak havoc on the house and pose a serious health threat.

If you do find these pests in your house, you need to tell your landlord ASAP. Put it in writing as well and if your landlord fails to send out pest control you may need to seek professional advice.

If you’re studying in the UK, the local council should be able to help you with the issue. There are lots of humane traps and deterrents you can use, as well as putting foodstuffs in plastic containers to keep them secure.


These aren’t super common but it’s important to know that break-ins do happen occasionally. It can happen to anyone whether you’re a student or not, and you need to know how to deal with it.

If your house does get broken into, you’ll need to call the police right away. File a report for all items stolen as well, most student accommodation halls provide contents insurance so you can get these goods replaced.

To prevent break-ins from happening in the first place, make sure the house is secured and locked whenever it’s empty. If the locks are broken, it’s your landlord’s duty to get it fixed as soon as possible

Now You Know How to Solve These Common Student Accommodation Issues

These are issues that can happen to anyone, not just students. But now that you know some of the most common issues in student accommodation, you’re better equipped with the knowledge of how to prevent them and deal with them if they ever do arise.

Are you looking for high-quality student accommodation for the next semester? Get in touch with us and we can help you find the perfect place.

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