When you spend years of your life working hard towards your degree, it can be disappointing for some to get a 2:2 result. It’s not the higher score you were hoping for and you might even start to panic, but is it really the end of the world?

If you’re wondering what to do next, you have a lot of options. You’ve made it to the end and actually graduated, so you should be proud of yourself! A 2:2 isn’t the worst grade possible and you don’t have to fret too much about it.

Here are a few things you can do after you get a 2:2 at university.

Live With It

The first thing you can do when you get a 2:2 at university is to simply learn to live with it. So you didn’t get the grades you were after – big deal! You’ve still got a degree at the end of the day and it won’t impact your life too much.

For a lot of employers, your actual degree grade doesn’t matter so much as long as you simply have a degree. It’s true that some employers require a 2:1 grade at least, but that’s not universal and it’s becoming less important.

Work at a Startup

Another great option after graduating with a 2:2 degree is to apply to work at a startup company. Most startups focus on the individual and their skills, rather than their grades.

If you show that you have a great attitude, key skills and get along with them well, they are more likely to hire you. Chances are, they won’t even ask or care about the grade you achieved at university.

Re-Sit Your Modules

If you missed out on a 2:1 grade mark by only one failed assignment or exam, you could always apply to re-sit them. It might not be ideal, but it’s better than having to retake the whole year and it could make a huge difference.

Some universities might not let you do a resit. But if you’re predicted to get a 2:2 before you graduate, it could be the motivation you need. This may inspire you to work harder and put in more time for studying to get that higher grade.

Start a Business

If other companies won’t hire you based on your 2:2 grade, why not start one of your own? Starting a business can take a while and it has to be something you’re passionate about and want to make work.

But it can be very rewarding and could lead to a more successful career path than if you had gotten a higher grade.

Do an Internship

Internships are great ways to boost your skills, gain experience, and make valuable connections. A great way to get into a field that may require a higher degree grade is to take on internships.

You can learn things and meet people that will help you become a valuable asset to the industry. This will make you more hirable to employers without your degree grade coming into play.

Apply for a Postgraduate Degree

If you’re not opposed to going back to university after you graduate, you can always apply to do a postgrad degree. You don’t need to be the best academic ever to do one and it can be a huge boost to your grades.

When you have a postgrad degree, employers rarely look at or care about your undergrad grade. Take this year to work as hard as possible to achieve a higher grade to boost your employment prospects.

These Are the Things You Should Do After You Get a 2:2 at University

When you get a 2:2 at university, you may feel disheartened and wonder how you’ll get a good job now. But it’s really not the end of the world and doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things. If you absolutely need a higher grade, there are things you can do, and you have plenty of options to help your career too.

Wondering what the most employable degrees are in 2019? Read our blog post to find out!

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