University is a time where you get to meet new people from all over the world and explore a whole new city. It’s exciting! But with all the excitement comes germs – lots of them.

The dreaded Fresher’s Flu gets us all, and since you’ll be meeting all kinds of people, living in student accommodation and going to new places, it’s inevitable that you will succumb to it.

But there are a few ways to combat it and prevent getting sick. Read on for our tips on how to stay well when you get to university.

Eat Well

The first step to staying healthy is to eat good food. If you don’t cook or don’t have time to make something, it can seem easier to eat a pot noodle or grab a burger somewhere.

But you need to be eating plenty of fruits and veggies to stay healthy and fight off germs. A good diet will help boost your immune system and fight off infections.

Starting off with a good breakfast is key since it sets your body up for the day just right. Eating healthy snacks will also help you curb hunger and give you additional nutrients.

Sleep Well

Getting enough sleep is so important for your body to function properly and without it, you’re more susceptible to illness. Poor sleeping habits will make you less focused, impair your mental ability and leave you feeling fatigued.

Continuous lack of sleep can severely impact your mental health and since your body isn’t getting enough time to recharge, your immune system is lowered.

Don’t make a habit of late nights and set yourself a reasonable sleeping pattern you can stick to. Around 8 hours of sleep per night is key so try to aim for that as much as possible.

Don’t Drink Too Much

Drinking is very much a part of the student culture and it’s almost like you’re expected to drink as much as possible. But drinking will not only leave you with a banging headache and a sense of looming regret. It lowers your immune system and can make you gain weight.

There are no nutritional benefits of drinking alcohol and it has a lot of negative health effects when consumed in excess. Try to reign in the drinking while you’re at uni and remember to take breaks between nights out.

If you do go drinking, remember to eat a good meal beforehand and drink plenty of water between each alcoholic beverage.

Drink Lots of Water

Speaking of drinking, one thing you should be drinking lots of is water. Water will keep you hydrated, alert and help prevent overeating. Lots of people forget to drink enough water and it can have a lot of negative health effects.

Being hydrated will help you stay focused and help your body stay in top shape. If you do fall ill, this is the time to drink as much water as you can to replenish fluids and flush out toxins.

Best of all, water is free! So there’s no excuse not to fill up a bottle and drink it.

Register With a Doctor


When you come to university, you won’t have access to the same doctor you had back home. It’s so important that you register with a local doctor’s practice once you arrive. 

It gives you peace of mind that should you fall very ill, you can access help fast. You can get flu jabs and medicines to prevent and treats any illnesses that may befall you.

Lots of local doctor’s practices welcome new students and it’s easy to register, so don’t forget to do it!

You Can Fight Off the Dreaded Fresher's Flu and Stay Healthy at University

Nobody likes getting sick and there’s no worse feeling than being ill, especially when you first come to university. But these tips are great ways to help you stay in top form and prevent getting sick so you can enjoy university to the fullest.

Need to get student accommodation for this year? We have a huge range of rooms available in many different locations, so get in touch with us and we’ll help!

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