We’ve all been there – having a great night out, drinking everything in sight, you’re having a ball. But the next day, you feel like you might be dying – you’ve got a hangover.

Not all hangovers are created equal. Some just leave you feeling tired, some give you a stinking headache, and others leave you bedridden and vomiting all morning long.

Whatever the kind, nobody enjoys a hangover. If you’re a student, the chances are you enjoy a boozy night out and want to avoid the pain the next day. You’ve come to the right place, here are 5 hangover cures every student needs to know about.

Avoid Hair of the Dog

Some people hail the method of ‘hair of the dog’, but this isn’t a great hangover cure. Sure, drinking more the next day might temporarily delay the mother of all hangovers, but it will get you eventually and it’ll feel ten times worse.

Nobody should be drinking as soon as they wake up anyways –  make sure to avoid this method at all costs.

Drink All the Water

Alcohol is a diuretic which means it will leave you dehydrated. Drinking more alcohol won’t help rehydrate you, but water is your friend. Before you go to bed after your night out, try to drink a pint of water before bed.

If you’re still feeling the effects the next day, try to drink as much water as you possibly can. A hangover is essentially a minor form of poisoning, so the more you rehydrate your body, the quicker it will recover. If you do happen to be vomiting because of your hangover, try an isotonic sports drink to replenish salts and sugars your body is losing


For those banging headaches, make sure you have plenty of painkillers on hand. Ibuprofen is the most effective one to go for (but make sure not to take more than the recommended dose).

In no time you’ll be feeling better so make sure to stock up before you leave for the night out – the last thing you want is to slog along to the shop in your zombified state.

Eat, Eat, Eat

Even for those hangovers where you can’t face the thought of food, eating something will help you feel a lot better. If the hangover isn’t too bad, go for the classic fry up – something greasy to line the stomach and the fatty acids will help break down the alcohol.

If that seems like too much for you, something simple like eggs, wholemeal toast or bananas will also help you out.

Drink Less

It might seem obvious, but the surefire way to avoid a hangover is to simply drink less alcohol on the night out. Limit the amount you drink and pace yourself – it’s not a race!

A good rule of thumb is to alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. It helps you stay somewhat hydrated and will lessen the effects of dehydration.

You Need to Try These Hangover Cures

If you’re worried about having a bad hangover after your night out, these cures will help you get back into top form. Also, make sure to drink responsibly!

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