Are you coming to the UK to study abroad? You’re in for an adventure of a lifetime and no matter where you’re studying, you’re bound to love every minute of your time here. Studying abroad can also boost your career opportunities and it’s something you’ll never forget.

As with moving to any new place, culture shock is a very real thing. These are cultural differences that are so vastly different from home that they can be jarring when you first get there.

If you’re coming to the UK soon, you might want to know what to expect. Here are 5 big culture shocks you may experience when you arrive.

1. British Weather

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Chances are, you’ve probably heard about the notoriously wet British weather. We’re not gonna lie, it can be pretty grim here at times. It’s not all doom and gloom, but if you’re coming from a warmer climate or dry country, it may be a shock at first.

On average, it rains for around 156.2 days each year in the UK, which means you need to bring your waterproofs. A good coat, some sturdy boots and an umbrella are essentials in the UK so add them to your packing list.

After a few weeks, you’ll be so used to the rainy weather you won’t think twice about it! Check out our previous blog post on how to survive British weather.

2. The Food

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British food has a bad rap as being weird, greasy and bland, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The UK has a huge range of different cuisines and there are a lot of tasty British dishes for you to enjoy.

Pretty much any market or city centre has cuisines and ingredients from all around the world. This means that no matter what you’re craving, you can probably find it here.

No matter what your tastes are, the UK has something for everyone. But we do love a good cup of tea here, so get used to drinking it for the foreseeable future!

3. Saying Sorry

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Another habit ingrained into all Brits is the inherent need to apologise for everything. Whether we bump into someone accidentally on the bus or even knock into an inanimate object, we always say sorry.

It can be super confusing, especially when technically you’re the one who should be saying sorry. For example, you bump into someone or hit them with your bag as you pass, chances are they will apologise to you for it.

We don’t exactly know why we say sorry so much, but it’s just a part of life now. Who knows, you may end up picking up this habit and taking back home when you leave!

4. Language and Dialects

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The UK is a country of hundreds if not thousands of different accents and dialects and with it comes a lot of different slang words. You could travel only an hour away from one city into a new one with a totally different regional dialect.

This can make is rather confusing when you try to communicate with people. Some accents are so strong, you may not believe they’re speaking English! Some of the words and phrases people use you may have never heard of before either, and it can leave you feeling left out.

But don’t worry, you’ll be surprised at how fast you pick up the local lingo and develop an ear for accents. Once you understand them better, you’ll find yourself joining in with the local lingo as well!

5. The Drinking

studyflats student accommodation beer Culture Shock

If there’s one thing the Brits love, it’s drinking. When you come to the UK, you may be shocked at how much British students drink. If you’re from a country that doesn’t have a huge drinking culture, it can seem intimidating.

But you don’t have to pick up drinking or try to keep up with the Brits if you don’t want too. Nobody will judge you for not drinking, but if you want to join in you’re more than welcome too.

You may actually find that people here talk about drinking more than they actually do drink, so it’s not so bad!

Don’t Let Culture Shock Scare You From Studying Abroad

The UK is such a diverse country with so much to see, do and experience. Culture shock is bound to happen here, just like with any other new country. But it’s all a part of the study abroad experience and before long you’ll be totally used to it.

Still need to find student accommodation for your stay in the UK? Get in touch with us and we can help find the perfect place for you.

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