With the planet getting progressively more damaged and affected by climate change, it’s important to all do our bit. We can all do little things each day to reduce our carbon footprints and help preserve the planet.

Being a student is no exception. There are so many great and easy ways you can be eco friendly at university without much effort. Most of these are small changes you don’t even need to think about and they can make a great impact.

If you’re looking to live a more sustainable life when you come to university, read on for 5 ways to do it.

1. Forget the Paper

Paper is one of the biggest environmental wastes in schools and is a huge contributor to deforestation. One quick and easy way to reduce your paper use is to start taking notes and storing them electronically.

Use your laptop or tablet to take notes in lectures and you can store it all in the Cloud. It means that not only do you reduce your paper use, but you can also access your notes anywhere, anytime.

It’s inevitable that you’ll have to print things off occasionally though, but try to only do it when it’s absolutely essential. This will also save you money in the long run!

2. Buy a Reusable Bottle

Those long hours in the library can be thirsty work, and it can be tempting to pop to the vending machine for a drink. But plastic water bottles cause huge damage to the planet and we need to reduce our plastic use.

A great way to do this is to buy a metal reusable water bottle. They last for years and all you need to do is refill them at a tap. Not only do they save the planet, they also help save you money.

They also fit more water in them and they can help boost your health by encouraging you to drink more. So buy a bottle and drink as much water as you want!

3. Use Cloth Bags

Grocery shopping often entails a lot of plastic bags which are also terrible for the environment. A great way to stop using them is to start using cloth bags, such as tote bags.

If you attend any Fresher’s Fair, it’s inevitable that you’ll leave with at least three tote bags that are thrust at you from every direction. Hang on to these and take them with you when you go shopping. They are super strong and very resilient so you can carry pretty much everything in them.

If you’re getting a lot of shopping, invest in a wheeley trolley bag and use it when you shop. They fit a lot in and make it so much easier to carry your stuff home. Another benefit of using reusable bags is that you end up not having to spend the 5p on each carrier bag you use!

4. Turn it Off

When you lived at home, you were probably used to your parents yelling at you about leaving the lights on. Well, now the tables are turned!

Even though your bills are included in your student accommodation, it’s still good practice to turn off the lights and appliances when you’re not using them. It’s a waste of energy and leaving them on contributes to your carbon footprint.

Power down whenever you leave a room or go to bed. You can even buy timers to turn off appliances and electronics at certain times so you don’t even need to think about it!

5. Buy Second Hand

Buying new clothes and items can contribute to retail practices that have a negative environmental impact. Instead, try to buy second hand.

Not only does this allow you to upcycle and give a new life to old items, but they’re often way cheaper and still in great condition! Most universities have vintage fairs where you can buy a kilo of clothes for as little as £15.

Get thrifty and visit charity shops, where your money will be put towards a good cause. It can be a super fun experience and you can find some absolute gems as a result.

Being Eco Friendly at University Is Easy

Being eco friendly doesn’t have to consume your life and be something you think about a lot. These are only a few of the many practices that you can easily adopt and soon they become second nature.

Need to sort out your student accommodation for this year? Get in touch with us and we’ll help you find the perfect place.

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  1. […] like you’re in. It’s especially useful for when you go back home as they are much more cost/energy efficient than just leaving the lights […]

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