Are you about to move into student accommodation for the first time? Or has it been a while and you’re jumping back into life with uni flatmates? The world of shared living isn’t always easy and some people can be hard to get along with.

The last thing anyone wants is to fall out with their flatmates. Living in a sour environment isn’t good for anyone, so you need to be considerate.

But don’t worry, we’re here to steer you in the right direction and help you make great friends with your new flatmates. Read on for our foolproof student guide to getting along with your flatmates.

1. Play Loud Music

One of the best ways to bond with people is through a shared love of music, so make sure to play yours nice and loud! After all, if they can’t hear your heavy metal music in all its glory, then how do you expect them to know what you like?

Playing your music loud and proud shows your flatmates how confident and fun you are. As we all know, everyone really cares about your music taste, so show it off. If you get a knock on the door and they ask you to turn it down, they actually mean that they can’t hear it well enough.

Crank up the volume and have yourself 3am party!

2. Don’t Waste Time Washing Dishes

Washing dishes isn’t something you need to concern yourself with. It’s a waste of time and only takes away from the time you can spend getting to know your flatmates better.

Whenever you have a dirty dish, just throw it in the sink or stack up a pile of them to leave in the kitchen. Chances are that somebody else will just do them anyways, and they clearly must love doing it. After all, why would they clean your dishes if they didn’t love washing them?

While we’re at it, why bother washing anything? That’s what cleaners are for, right? Leave the counters and tables as they are and give the cleaners a little something extra to do.

3. Let Everyone Know You’re Home After a Night Out

We all hit it a little too hard at the parties when we’re at university, we’re just having fun after all! If your flatmates didn’t join you on your latest night out, they probably feel sad that they missed out.

Make sure to let them know you’ve made it back home safe by banging doors, singing loudly and having conversations in the hallway. They were probably worried about you being out so late, and now they can rest easy knowing you’re back home.

Don’t be afraid if you wake them up, nobody ever goes to 9am lectures anyways!

4. Let Your Partner Stay Over All the Time

Found yourself a loving partner you want to spend all your time with? Why not practically move them in rent free? Everyone loves love, so your flatmates will be more than happy to accommodate an extra person in the flat.

You don’t need to encourage them to clean up after themselves or bring their own food, they are still a guest after all! It’s the more the merrier when it comes to shared living, so don’t feel bad about it.

Who cares if you’ve only known them for a few weeks? You’re going to be together forever anyways, so why not get a head start and let them make themselves at home at your flat.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Share Their Food

People love to be kind and share their things with others. So, it would be rude not to share some of your flatmates food from time to time. There’s nothing worse than not having cheese or milk in the house, but your flatmates have plenty!

They’ll understand when you borrow a bit of it. You can always restock whenever you eventually get around to the shops to buy some food. Leftovers are fair game too. After all, why would they leave perfectly good food lying around in the fridge? Help yourself, you’re doing them a favour by clearing it out.

Why stop at food? Don’t feel bad about borrowing your flatmates’ nice shampoo or using their laptop every now and then. Of course they won’t mind, it’s not like you’re stealing from them or anything!

These Tips Will Help You Get Along with Your Flatmates

Before moving into student accommodation, it can be daunting to think you won’t get along with your flatmates. But don’t worry, as long as you follow this foolproof guide, you’ll be on your way to becoming BFFs in no time!

Disclaimer: Of course, we don’t actually mean any of this. Please don’t become this person or you will be severely disliked by everyone around you. Be considerate, clean up and don’t steal things!


If you’re looking to move into student accommodation and be a nice  flatmate, get in touch with us and we can help.

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