Coming to university is a great time to meet new people explore a new city and have some fun. But of course, the main reason you’re there is to study, which means you’ve got some work to do too.

Exam season always seems to come out of nowhere and before you know it you’re spending every day in the library cramming for the next big test. Of course you want to do well, but spending so much time studying can be daunting and leaves you stressed out.

It doesn’t have to though, there are plenty of ways you can get through the exam season with your sanity in tact, so here are a few ways to do it.

Take Some Breaks

Studying for hours on end without a break is a sure-fire way to burnout and stop making progress. Instead, a more productive way to work is to take breaks every hour for 10-15 minutes. Plan for how many hours of work you’re going to do today and allocate yourself a break for each of those hours.

It’s a great way to refresh your mind after an hour of solid work. After going for a walk or doing something else, you can come back to your work with a fresh mind and get more done.

Eat Good Food

The food we eat has a huge impact on how our brains and bodies perform throughout the day. Eating low quality food isn’t going to help your brain stay in top shape as you hit the books.

Instead, make sure to eat a good breakfast and bring a nutritious lunch to eat while you’re in the library. You don’t need to spend money on lunch everyday, you can find a lot of cheap healthy recipes you can prepare from your own kitchen to last a whole week! When you eat right, you feed your brain to work much better.

Learn How You Work Best

Everyone works best under certain conditions, and a key part of studying right is to figure out how you learn best. Do you thrive in a group and find it easier to work with people close by? Set up a study group with others from your class where you can help each other study better.

But others don’t work well around others. You may need to be totally alone without distractions in order to get the most work done. When you learn which conditions you study best in, you’ll find that it becomes much more manageable.

Find a Change of Scenery

The library is a great place to study and get work done since it’s a productive environment where everyone else is doing the same thing. But once it become repetitive, studying can become monotonous.

If this happens, you may find that it’s hard to take in any new information. An easy way to combat this is to change it up. Find a new place to go and work, whether that’s at the desk in your student accommodation or in a nearby coffee shop. A new environment can wake your brain up and give you a boost of motivation to continue studying.

Reward Yourself

At the end of a long day of studying, it’s time to treat yourself to a well-deserved break. It’s time to put the books away and treat yourself to something you enjoy. Go drinks with some friends, treat yourself to a delicious meal, or spend the evening playing your favourite video game.

Do what makes you happy and let your brain switch off from work mode for a while. Just don’t let yourself get too hungover so that you can’t be productive the next day!

These Are the Best Ways to Get Through Exam Season and Stay Sane


Exam season is tough but when you have the right approach to your studies, you’ll become very productive. Before you know it you’ve already taken the exam and aced it, so try not to stress out too much!

Need to find some student accommodation where you can get work done in peace? Talk to us and we’ll help you find the right place.

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