Studying over Christmas? Check out this article on doing revision over the holidays without it ruining your festive cheer.


Another term is over, hooray! No more uni, and no more assignments to hand in. Great! But, some pesky lecturer has thought it okay to set you an assignment to do over the holidays, boo. Or, even worse, you have exams when you get back.


Whatever situation you find yourself in, make sure you keep on top of your studies. You might not be at uni, but you’ll probably need to do a little bit of work or revision. 

Of course, you should still make time to enjoy yourself and see family and friends, but with our tips, you’ll be able to smash your studies.

Make a Plan

We’ve said this many a time, but making a plan is so important if you want to find the time to revise over the holidays, whilst still having the time to do all the other things you want to. Try and schedule some regular revision time. If you keep to a schedule, you’ll find it much easier to revise.

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Get to your local library

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You might find that working from home has even more distractions than working from your student flat does. Especially when you’re surrounded by all your home comforts. Why not get out for a bit and visit your local library? They’re free to use, warm, and will often have free or very affordable wifi and computers for you to use.

Little and often

When you’re home for the holidays, the last thing you want to be doing is leaving all of your studying and revising until the last minute. Cramming it all in the day before you have to back to uni isn’t going to do you a great deal of good. Instead, try and do a little bit of studying every day, or several times a week at least. 

By following these tips, you’re sure to make your holiday revision sessions that little bit easier. Looking for more exam and revision tips? Be sure to check out our blog for more.

Image of a man studying on a laptop on article on revision

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